There is no denying, Donald Trump is a very strong Candidate to become the next U.S. President.

Trump has placed Walid Phares, a long time guest on Lebanese political shows, as his consultant on Foreign Policy.

Republican U.S. Representative for California’s 49th congressional district, Darrell Issa, has also endorsed Donald Trump.

Recently, at the Republican National Convention, Thomas Barrack, spoke about his long time friend Donald J. Trump. You can watch his talk below.

Freakonomics recently has a discussion with Stephen Dubner had on an airplane. He was on his way to South Africa when fellow passenger Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan and Antifragile, told him something remarkable: “If you look at ten or twenty or thirty of the richest countries around the world, among the richest people in those countries is someone from Lebanon.” Of course Taleb would say this, Dubner thought. He is Lebanese. But the idea stuck. And that’s what this week’s episode is about.

Listen in to the podcast below:

The Economist summarizes that “business people from Lebanon fare better abroad than at home.”

Link to the full article.

Guest post –

Consensus decision-making is a group decision making process that seeks the consent, not necessarily agreement about the “favorite” choice of all participants. Consensus may be defined professionally as an acceptable resolution, one that can be supported, even if not the “favorite” of each individual. 

Philosophical viewpoint
The early Islamic philosopher, Al-Farabi (c. 872-950), in one of his most notable works Al-Madina al-Fadila, theorized an ideal Islamic state which he compared to Plato’s The Republic.[17] Al-Farabi departed from the Platonic view in that he regarded the ideal state to be ruled by the prophet-imam, instead of the philosopher king envisaged by Plato. Al-Farabi argued that the ideal state was the city-stateof Medina when it was governed by Muhammad as its head of state, as he was in direct communion with God whose law was revealed to him. “In the absence of the prophet-imam”, Al-Farabi considered democracy as the closest to the ideal state, regarding the republican order of the Rashidun Caliphate as an example within early Muslim history.

The will of humanity’s great spirit can must rise for the call of education, decency and tolerances.

Joseph J. A. / NYC, NY

Lebanese Enterpreneur Wissam Abdel Baki created Perk My City to help Lebanese local citizens report, view, or discuss the disorder in the streets of their city (currently only in Beyrouth).

Violations such as abandoned vehicles, graffiti, litter, potholes, road blocks, sidewalk defects and any violation considered disgraceful to the city’s image.

To report a violation, the Lebanese local only needs to visit the website, describe the violation, locate it on the map and post a photo of it.

The website intends to reach each and every authority in Lebanon, whether it is the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Interior, Municipalities and Private Associations.

Currently, the problems will be reported to the authorities by email (where possible), Twitter (if registered), and Facebook . The authorities are granted access to view, acknowledge and later resolve the problem the way they normally would.

Wissam stresses that his projects will be covering not only Beyrouth, but other regions to come.

Civil society activists, students and Lebanese youths staged a “white march” taking to the streets of Beyrouth, starting from Places des Martyrs and reaching Achrafieh’s Sassine Square. The movement “denounced all violence in the country and honors all those who were killed and wounded due to

futile political bickering in the country over a span of 30 years” according to activists.

Protesters wore white shirts, and hoisted placards against the current political status quo.

We are wearing white to mourn all the deaths who have gone in vain due to futile violence whether in Achrafieh, Tripoli or elsewhere,” one of the protesters said.

The White March says no to both March 8 and 14 blocs, and stresses that political malfunction is the root cause of all the problems mounting in the country all the while calling for an alternative.

Although shy numbers showed at first, the movement drew larger crowds the closer it got to Achrafieh. Demonstrators in white lit candles, praying for the souls lost and for a better future

It is hard as a Lebanese to be indifferent to the situation in Syria.

Our blog has by enlarge been silent on the civil unrest, to our lifetime neighbour, Syria. An unrest in Syria, which is rather familiar among Lebanese whom had to traverse a 10-year demographical upheaval and civil war for us, as Lebanese, to realise how to finally live together, playfully, rejoicing in our differences, and aim to build a country we envy.

Last week, Euronews described that the biggest victims in the Syrian unrest, were children, and often willfully targeting them. This news has pushed me to set out and take advantage of my vacation stay in Lebanon and cross the border into Syria. Along the way we met Kafa Min Ajl Souriya. They’ve described to us the type of support they do in helping children and the campaign launched.

Their purpose is selective and unifying. Helping out Syrian children victim in this conflict in terms of providing housing, food, books and toys. They have also set up a page on facebook for an open and calm discussion among all Syrian intellectuals and citizens.

Ten Lebanese athletes with march to represent Lebanon at the 2012 London Olympic Games:

Tvin Moumjoghlian (Ping Pong)
Andrea Paoli (Taekwondo)
Katya Bachrouche (Swimming)
– Ray Bassil (Shooting)
– Ahmad Hazer (Athletics)
– Gretta Taslakian (Athletics)
– Zain Shaito (Fencing)
– Mona Shaito (Fencing)
– Caren Chammas (Judo)
– Wael Koubrosli (Swimming)

To each, I’d like to Thank You for representing an alive and vibrant nation & wish you all the best at the games.

The new 2012 list of the Worlds most powerful Arabs reveals 85 names that originate from Lebanon, with Saudi Arabia contributing 67 and Egypt and the UAE 58 names each. Many US based Arabs are originally Lebanese, according to the magazine. Click here for the new List.

What we have published today is the most comprehensive guide of Arab influence all across the world. Our researchers have looked at the work of Arabs in every continent and every country across the globe, and covered every sector from business and finance to media, sports and science. It is clear from this list that Arab success and influence across the world has never been more significant than it is today.” -Ed Attwood, Editor of Arabian Business

In 2011, More powerful and influential people in the Arab world, trace their roots to Lebanon than any other country in the world, the Arabian Business Power 500 revealed.

Despite just 27 power players residing in the Arab state, the rankings show that 83 entries – or nearly 17 percent – originate from Lebanon.

Among the top Lebanese names are Director Charles Elachi at No.7, Adib Domingos Jatene at N0. 9, Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn at No. 14, Author Amin Maalouf at No. 22, fashion designer to the stars Elie Saab, who holds the No.28 spot. Media mogul Elie Khouri, who runs his advertising empire from the UAE, also makes his mark at No.31,  Lebanese-Australian Chairman Jacques Nasser held the 101th spot on the Power 500. See the full list.

As a region, the Middle East has dominated this year’s Power 500, generating 63 percent of entries. Africa follows in second place with 15 percent of entries, while the Americas and Europe account for 13 and 7 percent respectively. Bringing up the rear is the Asia/Pacific region, which generated two percent of Power players and included the list’s first entry from Vietnam.

Within the Middle East, the UAE is home to the largest number of Power 500 Arabs, taking 20 of the top 100 spots alone. Al-Waleed Bin Talal, who equally holds the  Saudi & Lebanese nationality, held the top position.  Saudi Arabia, the Gulf’s most populous state, contributes 62 entries while Egypt, Syria and Kuwait account for 45, 30 and 21 respectively. Jordan notches up 21 entries each, while a further 18 reside in both Bahrain and Palestine. A further 11 are in Iraq.

The glowing light was reported at around 8:45 pm. Some are going as far as referring to it as an UFO, others as meteorite showers. Charbel has suggested that it may have been the result of a long range missile which was test fired from Astrakhan region in central Russia at 21:39 Moscow time. Others say these lights were first seen in Israel and Jordan. However, the Israeli Astronomical Association said the object was 80 kilometers high and was not a meteor.

From Lebanon:

Continue reading ‘Strange Lights / UFO over Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Azerbaijan’

After reading and getting acquainted with this blog & myTV, I felt compelled to propegate messages from Lebanese in Lebanon to their relatives and expatriates.

You can watch the full series: Messages from Lebanon.

Adam Curtis, one of my favorite documentarian, known for many documentaries throughout the decade, among them The Century of the Self, The Power of Nightmares, and last year released the fascinating documentary called “All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace”. Don’t under estimate the content of this documentary, I have at least watched it five times, and I’m still entertained.

I highly recommend to any knowledgeably inclined human being, to understand the age we’re in, I present you with this preface.

Continue reading ‘Documentary: All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace’

Probably the single most sensitive topic to touch this circle is the potential and natural right for Lebanese expatriates to vote for Parliamentary elections from their residing country. In order to do so, all Lebanese Citizens living outside Lebanon, must (it’s a national duty to vote) Register at their embassies in order to vote for the 2013 Parliamentary Elections. Some embassies started to place information on their websites.

Oxygène – Offer avec le Journal L’Orient-Le Jour, le Mardi 27 Mars.

Après avoir écrit une petite introduction sur le candidat français à la présidentielle François Bayrou, je tiens à publier un avis d’un autre Français d’origine libanaise sur la raison pour laquelle Nicolas Sarkozy devrait être le meilleur candidat de la France, et son véritable amour pour le Liban.

La France est l’amie et l’alliée traditionnelle du Liban, elle a toujours protégé l’indépendance et l’existence même de ce pays, elle lui a fait don de la langue française, de la culture française. C’est une histoire d’amour de près de neuf siècles et qui ne s’est jamais démentie. Pleinement français et fiers de nos racines, nous, citoyens français d’origine libanaise, nous nous engageons aujourd’hui au côté de Nicolas Sarkozy à qui nous renouvelons notre confiance pour un nouveau mandat à la Présidence de la République.

Aucune voix de notre communauté ne doit lui manquer. Continue reading ‘Pourquoi les Français d’origine libanaise doivent-ils voter Nicolas Sarkozy ?’

Here are what some bloggers are writing about StopLira:

English: BrianLilianneNajibKhodrJoseph, Mustapha
Arabic: Imad,  Tony
French: Hala

On viens d’écrire un article sur le vote des français d’origine libanaise pour les elections Présidentielle en France. Tandis que tous les pays democratic dans le monde arrive à voter pour leurs représentants dans leur patrie a partir de leur ambassades, le Liban semble se retirer de la possibilité de bénéficier de son Diaspora.

 La loi que nous avions approuvée en 2008 ne sera pas appliquée parce qu’il n’y a pas une volonté sérieuse de permettre aux Libanais de la diaspora de participer à la vie politique locale “, a déploré M. Abi Nasr.

Avant la réunion parlementaire de lundi, les commissions parlementaires ont tenu une réunion conjointe pour examiner et approuver des textes de loi devant figurer à l’ordre du jour de cette séance. Ils sont pour la plupart d’ordre administratif ou en rapport avec des accords conclus avec des organismes internationaux.
Le rapporteur des commissions, M. Robert Ghanem, les a exposés, avant que le député Nehmetallah Abi Nasr ne prenne la parole pour dénoncer « la galère gouvernemento-parlementaire » du texte de loi autorisant les émigrés inscrits auprès des ambassades du Liban dans les pays d’accueil à participer aux législatives. « Nous en sommes encore à en discuter, à former des sous-commissions pour l’étudier, à poser des conditions et des conditions contraires », a souligné M. Abi Nasr, en s’interrogeant sur le point de savoir « comment près de 250 mille personnes avaient pu être naturalisées (en 2004) d’un coup de crayon, à la faveur d’un décret qui n’a même pas été examiné en Conseil des ministres et contrairement à toutes les lois sur la naturalisation, alors que la loi sur le vote des émigrés est toujours bloquée ».

Il a invité les députés à examiner ce texte sans atermoiements tout en se disant persuadé que les émigrés ne pourront pas prendre part aux législatives de 2013.

La dixième élection présidentielle de la Ve République, neuvième élection au suffrage universel direct, doit permettre d’élire le président de la République française pour un mandat de cinq ans. Elle se tiendra les 22 avril et 6 mai 2012.

Pour les milliers de Francais d’origine Libanaise, qui sont admissible de voter a ses elections, sont presenter avec plusieurs candidats au présidentielles. Aujourd’hui nous présentons un entretiens avec, Ministre de l’Éducation nationale sous trois gouvernements différents de droite, député des Pyrénées-Atlantiques depuis 1986, ancien député européen et conseiller du président du Parlement européen, deux fois président du conseil général des Pyrénées-Atlantiques, conseiller municipal de Pau, président des partis Centre des démocrates sociaux(CDS), Force démocrate, l’Union pour la démocratie française (UDF) et du Mouvement démocrate (Modem) qu’il a fondé, monsieur Francois Bayrou.

Comment appréciez-vous le lien entre le Liban et la France?

Tout d’abord, pour ce qui concerne le Liban, je dois vous dire que jai un attachement tout particulier et un lien très personnel avec le Liban et ceci pour toute sorte de raisons y compris familiale, puisque lune de mes filles est mariée à un Français dorigine libanaise. Jai déjà eu loccasion de visiter le Liban à plusieurs reprises, c’est un pays que je connais bien et que jaime.

La France a un lien indissoluble avec le Liban; un lien impossible à oublier, impossible à éluder.

Continue reading ‘Les Elections Presidentielles pour des Français d’origine Libanaise’

Having an established and long known vibrant night life (since the 50s). Beyrouth is quickly becoming a center stage of a unique nightlife today.

Canadian-born Comedian Peter Russel headed to Lebanon’s clubs & shares his story. Funny or Not, the word got out!

Récit d’un critique Gastronome français, sur la chaine de télévision Paris Première, il écrit aussi dans le “Figaro”.

Lebanon’s Cabinet approved today a draft law, presented by Interior Minister Marwan Charbel, allowing Lebanese expatriates who were born abroad holding only citizenship of the country of birth, to apply for Lebanese citizenship if any of their father and/or grandfather are Lebanese.

I imagine thorough verification on the part of the government but such measures are long awaited, and surely be fruitful to Lebanon.

The latest draft, to be discussed in Parliament, would help Lebanese expatriates potentially take part in future Lebanese parliamentary elections via Lebanese Embassies abroad.

Lebanese MP Neamatallah Abi Nasr proposed a similar law back in 2004 and was not approved in Parliament.

“Every [male] Lebanese named in the census survey of 1921 and 1924 or who lost his citizenship under the 1932 general census can [as of today] claim citizenship for him and his children,” Abi Nasr said this December, 2011.

Live Lebanon, a one-of-its-kind U.N. Development Program project strives to revolve Lebanese expatriates to channel money from abroad to help development projects in Lebanon.

This reminds me of an endeavor the innercircle promoted back in ’09 with Team Lebanon on Kiva.

Fadi Salameh is the Institutional Goodwill Ambassador for UNDP Live Lebanon, representing the Live Lebanon and coordinating with the other ambassadors around the globe, each of whom is responsible for raising funds within their particular community, whether Australia or Brazil, among others.

He spoke to The Daily Star on Monday about his role in the project, and what Live Lebanon means for the country.

Appointed to the role earlier this year, after having returned to Lebanon after a long stint in Dubai, Salameh, until recently the head of the Middle East Communications Network, was attracted to Live Lebanon due to the non-sectarian nature of its work.

Live Lebanon doesn’t belong to one group or another, and in Lebanon this is very, very important,” he says.

One of the most intellectual Lebanese think thanks on Middle Eastern politics and Lebanese affairs, former Minister of Culture Dr. Ghassan Salemeh agreed to an interview with MTV’s Walid Abdo. You can find the video interview here: Insightful as always.

The Access MBA Tour is bringing top-ranked business schools to Beirut to meet talented candidates with high potential for their MBA programmes.

The exclusive new format Access MBA Talent is offering carefully selected profiles the unique chance to participate in 50 minutes interviews with Admissions Directors of chosen business schools. Only the most motivated and talented candidates will be selected for individual interviews upon review of their profiles, motivation letters and CV.

Personalized interviews for Masters Programs in Finance, Marketing, Management and International relations will take place on the same date.

All motivated and talented candidates, eager to participate to one of these events, are kindly invited to register on our websites.

For MBA events
For Masters events
For more information, you can visit the websites: and

If you follow Lebanese politics, Social & Cultural news concerning Lebanon and the region, surely you watch Marcel Ghanem’s Kalam El Nass Thursday nights (Beyrouth time).

It should please you to know that Kalam Ennas has released an iPhone app recently, and I must admit, it’s pretty hefty and decent.

The user interface strongly encourages Social interactions (through Facebook & Twitter) almost at every interval as you navigate your way through the app.

If you read Arabic, a News tab is courteously centered flipping between an ‘official’ stream and twitter. Not sure why twitter isn’t official enough?
Though they need to verify their account (not mention the President of Lebanon @SleimanMichel, Prime Minister @Najib_Mikati, Speaker of Parliament @nabihberi, Minister of Interior @MMCharbelFormer PM @HaririSaad all need to verify their accounts).

The App lets you watch all recorded interviews & shows (if you live anywhere other than the US & Canada – purposely blocked), but will take the opportunity now to notify the Digital Departement of LBC (we go way back :) and the decision of banning Lebanese residing in North America , especially in a world, very much open & increasingly collaborative.

If you live in the US & Canada, clicking the video below will prompt you with a message: “The uploader has not made this video available in your country”.

How to Watch Kalam El Nass from North America

1- Go to
2- Select Port: 80, 8080
3-  In the Countries List, remove the US & Canada, and click Update Results
4-  Look & choose an IP (make sure you select a green Connection Time, else you’ll wait longer for the video to download)
5- Go to Chrome/Firefox/Safari (what have you)’s preferences/options and change your Network Settings
6- Choose Manual (to give you the option of inputting an IP & port).
7- Save everything after you placed your new IP and connect to google just to see if it’s working & You can Watch the show either on LBC’s site or YouTube!
8- Don’t forget to remove the IP back to how it was after finishing watching the show.

n.b. Repeat steps 4 – 7 if you chose an unworking or slow connection.

Here’s the latest harsh & inquisitive interview between Marcel Ghanem & Prime Minister Najib Mikati.

En 1992, l’Ambassade de France au Liban souhaite rendre hommage aux nombreux libraires qui ont continué à diffuser les ouvrages d’éditeurs français durant la guerre civile et organise le premier Salon du livre francophone. Depuis cette date, les écrivains viennent chaque année à la rencontre du public libanais, dont l’enthousiasme ne cesse de grandir.

Le 18e Salon du livre francophone ouvre ses portes à Beyrouth.

Cet évènement cher au cœur des Libanais est désormais bien planté dans le paysage, comme le figuier géant dans « L’arbre » de Julie Bertuccelli, projeté à Beyrouth fin septembre, comme les architectures monumentales des frères Schuiten, maîtres belges de la bande dessinée, qui nous font l’honneur, avec d’autres, d’être au Liban cette année.

Dans l’esprit de tous les Libanais, le Salon du livre de Beyrouth reste l’espace privilégié de rencontres et de dialogue autour de la culture francophone. La 18e édition ne fait pas exception et cette année encore, peut-être devrais-je dire cette année plus que jamais grâce à la présence remarquable de notre invité d’honneur : Belgique-Wallonie-Bruxelles, ce Salon est l’occasion d’échanges de qualité et de valorisation de la francophonie, de sa littérature, de ses passeurs.

Thème du Salon 2011